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Manage all the data you have in the cloud along with your local storage locations

Manage all the data you have in the cloud along with your local storage locations

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Works under: Windows


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Enhance Your Amazon S3 Experience with CloudBerry Explorer

CloudBerry Explorer for Amazon S3 is a powerful tool designed to make managing files on Amazon S3 as simple as handling local files. This file explorer works intuitively, allowing users to efficiently navigate and control their data in the cloud.

User Interface and Usability

One of the standout features of CloudBerry Explorer is its double-pane interface, akin to a traditional FTP client, which makes it easy for users to manage their files. The flexibility of this interface allows the left and right panes to swap between local and S3 locations according to the user's needs. Whether you're transferring data between your computer and an S3 account, organizing files within the local storage, or managing multiple S3 accounts, CloudBerry Explorer simplifies the process with a user-friendly layout.

Multiple Account Support and Connections

Another strong point of CloudBerry Explorer is its ability to handle multiple Amazon S3 accounts simultaneously. The application facilitates opening several connections at once, which can be neatly managed through the use of interface tabs. This feature can significantly streamline the workflow for those who operate several buckets or require constant switching between accounts.

Configuration and Customization

CloudBerry Explorer proffers a range of configuration options, allowing users to tailor their file management experience. You can adjust settings related to file transfers, such as copy and move behaviors, to enhance operational efficiency. These customization options cater to varying user preferences and work styles, ensuring that the tool fits seamlessly into various workflows.

Advanced Functionality and Updates

While CloudBerry Explorer is equipped with many useful functionalities, it's important to note that as of the knowledge cutoff date, there are some advanced features that are still in development. Users looking for multi-threaded connections to expedite transfer speeds or real-time folder synchronization may have to wait for these features to be introduced in upcoming updates. Nonetheless, the developer's commitment to enhancing the product suggests that these capabilities will soon be integrated for an even more robust tool.

Additional Features and Fixes

The latest version of CloudBerry Explorer includes many practical additions to improve the overall user experience. An essential update is the ability to remember the copy queue, making it possible to resume copying files after a program restart. The software also allows users to retry failed tasks selectively or in batch, cancel parts of or the entire copy queue, and navigate using the keyboard, catering to those who favor shortcuts. Preservation of ACL (Access Control Lists) during file overwrites and support for S3stat Self-Managed Mode are also notable inclusions, alongside a variety of bug fixes that enhance stability and reliability.


  • Intuitive double-pane interface
  • Flexibility in managing local and remote files
  • Support for multiple Amazon S3 accounts
  • Customizable file operation settings
  • Capabilities for queuing and resuming file transfers
  • Keyboard navigation for improved efficiency
  • Regular updates with new features and bug fixes


  • Lacks multi-threaded connections for faster transfers
  • Currently does not support folder synchronization

CloudBerry Explorer for Amazon S3 offers an excellent balance between a feature-rich environment and ease of use, making it a valuable tool for anyone looking to streamline their cloud storage management. With ongoing updates and commitment to feature enhancement, CloudBerry Explorer promises to continually evolve, maintaining its status as a top choice for Amazon S3 users.